
Erica Shumener

Filosofía de la Ciencia, Metafísica
  • Estancia Posdoctoral
  • Septiembre 2019 - Agosto 2020
  • New York University (Ph.D.)
  • ericashumener@gmail.com
  • Adscripción actual: Universidad de Pittsburgh, EEUU
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Erica nació en Los Ángeles e hizo su trabajo de posgrado en la Universidad de Nueva York. Actualmente es profesora asistente en el departamento de filosofía de la Universidad de Pittsburgh. Se especializa en metafísica y tiene intereses en filosofía de la ciencia y filosofía del lenguaje. Su trabajo reciente se centra en la metafísica de la identidad, las leyes de la naturaleza y la intrinsecalidad.



 Erica was born in Los Angeles and did her graduate work at New York University. She is currently an assistant professor in the philosophy department at the University of Pittsburgh. She specializes in metaphysics, and she has interests in philosophy of science and philosophy of language.  Her recent work focuses on the metaphysics of identity, laws of nature, and intrinsicality.

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Publicaciones (recientes):

“Ground and Identity” for the Routledge Handbook on Ground (forthcoming)

“Do Identity and Distinctness Facts Threaten the PSR?”, Philosophical Studies (forthcoming)

“Explaining Identity and Distinctness” Philosophical Studies (forthcoming)

“Laws of Nature, Explanation, and Semantic Circularity,” The British Journal for Philosophy of Science (2019, published online 2017)

“Building and Surveying: Relative Fundamentality in Bennett’s Making Things Up,” Analysis (2019)

“The Metaphysics of Identity,” Philosophy Compass (2017)


    Mar 13 de 2025
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