
Giulio Fornaroli

Ética, Filosofía del Derecho, Filosofía Política
  • Estancia Posdoctoral
  • Octubre 2020 - Septiembre 2022
  • PhD in political theory – University College London, School of Public Policy
  • giulio.fornaroli@filosoficas.unam.mx
  • Página Web
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Before coming to the Institute, I obtained a PhD in political theory from University College London School of Public Policy (2019). Before that, I studied  philosophy at the University of Pavia (Italy), around 60 km away from my hometown, Piacenza, in the Italian region of Emilia.

My postodoctoral project, on the borders between moral, political and legal philosophy, looks at the moral foundations of rights and human rights. The general question I try to answer is what kind of role rights and human rights play in our moral discourse and practice. What would be lost, in other words, in a world without rights?

My PhD research was also in political philosophy. I investigated the political liberal response to the question of pluralism, and considered how value-disagreement might affect the legitimacy of the state.



  • “Do We Need Integrity in a Theory of Justice?,” Journal of Applied Philosophy, 36(4), 2019.
  • Responding to Disagreement in Liberal Societies: Legitimacy, Respect, Toleration – doctoral dissertation, University College London, 2019-10-28.


Periodo de la estancia: 1 abril 2020 - 1 abril 2021

    Dic 21 de 2024
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