
Marc Artiga

Filosofía de la Biología, Filosofía de la Mente
  • Estancia Posdoctoral
  • Marzo 2014 - Marzo 2015
  • Universitat de Girona
  • marc.artiga@filosoficas.unam.mx
  • Página Web
  • Adscripción actual: Universidad de Valencia, España
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I completed my PhD on naturalistic theories of intentionality at the Universitat de Girona, where I was also a member of the LOGOS Research Group, based at the Universitat de Barcelona. My supervisor was David Pineda (UdG) and the examining committee was composed by Ruth Millikan (UCONN), Karen Neander (Duke) and Agustin Vicente (UPV/EHU). I have also been a visiting student at the University of Connecticut, the Australian National University and King's college London.

My research project is to develop a teleosemantic account of representation and use it in order to solve several problems in philosophy and science. My areas of specialization are philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, philosophy of biology and cognitive science, but I’m also very interested in political philosophy, meta-ethics, philosophy of language and metaphysics.

    Jun 30 de 2024
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