
Quentin Ruyant

Filosofía de la Ciencia
  • Estancia Posdoctoral
  • Marzo 2019 - Marzo 2021
  • PhD UCLouvain
  • quentin.ruyant@gmail.com
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I work in epistemology of science. My PhD thesis was dedicated to the debate on scientific realism. I defended a modal version of empiricism, the position according to which the aim of science is to account for actual and possible observations, and developed a conception of situated modalities, compatible with empiricism, that emphasises the interactive component of scientific experimentation. I am now interested in the role of modalities in scientific representation: my aim is to take a pragmatic stance towards various types of modalities (epistemic, normative, nomologic, conceptual) by examining their respective role in scientific representation.

Periodo de la estancia: 1 marzo 2019 - 1 marzo 2020


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