
Roberto Loss

  • Estancia Posdoctoral
  • Marzo 2013 - Marzo 2014
  • PhD in Philosophy, Universidad de Nottingham
  • robertoloss@gmail.com
  • Página Web
  • Adscripción actual: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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I obtained my PhD in Philosophy in October 2012 from the University of Nottingham. In my dissertation, titled 'The true future of the open future', I defended the ‘true-futurist’ view, according to which statements about the future are either true or false, even if the future is open and unsettled in some robust, objective and mind-independent sense. I also was an Arché Visiting Student at the University of St Andrews (Fall 2006-Spring 2007) as well as a visiting student at the New York University (Fall 2008).

I am currently working on a project in metaphysics of time titled 'The grounding problem for A-theorists: an inquiry into temporal passage'.


More information about me, my work, and my publications can be found at the following websites:




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