
Vincenzo Politi

Filosofía de la Ciencia, Historia de la Filosofía
  • Estancia Posdoctoral
  • Marzo 2017 - Marzo 2018
  • Universidad de Bristol
  • vin.politi@gmail.com
  • Adscripción actual: Universidad de Oslo, Noruega
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After earning a degree in philosophy from the University of Rome "La Sapienza", I took an MSc in History and Philosophy of Science at the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics (UK). In 2015, I have earned a PhD in Philosophy of Science at the University of Bristol, where I pursued a project about scientific change under the supervision of Prof. Alexander Bird and thanks to the generous contribution of the prestigious Darwin Trust of Edinburgh for the Philosophy of Science. After that, I remained in the same department for two years as a Teaching Fellow.
My main line of research is on classic topics in the general philosophy of science, with a special concern for the models of scientific change, scientific specialisation, scientific practice, inter-field relations and the concept of 'scientific community'. During my time at UNAM, I will explore how modest changes within one scientific field may lead to revolutionary changes in other scientific fields (and maybe in other not strictly scientific fields too!)
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2015 - “Natural Kinds, Causes and Domains: Khalidi on how science classifies things”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 54, pp. 132-137
2017 - “Revolutions, Specialisation and the Discovery of the Structure of DNA: toward a new picture of the development of the sciences” —  Forthcoming in Synthese
    Mar 12 de 2025
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