Second Annual Mexican Philosophers' Conference

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Max Fernández
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa
Philosophy Department

Max Fernández de Castro Tapia is Professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa. He received his Ph. D. in 2000 from the University of Paris-I "La Sorbonne". He is the author of "Quine and Abstract Ontology" (Porrúa, 2002) and the co-author of "Logic I: Propositional, Intuitionistic and Modal Logics" (UAM, forthcoming). His main interests are the philosophy of mathematics and philosophical logic -two areas in which he recently authored several papers.


"From Possibility to Existence in Mathematics"

Abstract: This paper discusses the thesis, originally proposed by Hilbert, that the consistency of a mathematical theory entails the existence of the objects implicitly defined by its axioms. Specifically, I analyze some arguments in its favor developed by Shapiro and I conclude that some important problems in the philosophy of mathematics remain unexplored.


