Elias Okon

Filosofía de la Ciencia, Filosofía de la Física
  • Investigador Titular B
  • eokon@filosoficas.unam.mx
  • Tel. 01 (55)5622-7207
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Mis principales intereses filosóficos comprenden cuestiones fundacionales en la física, particularmente en el traslape de fenómenos cuánticos y gravitacionales. Me atraen también las interpretaciones de la mecánica cuántica y varios asuntos relacionados con el espaciotiempo. Por otro lado, disfruto pensar sobre temas  generales de metafísica y filosofía de la ciencia, como relaciones interteóricas, leyes de la naturaleza o identidad, y explorar las implicaciones de la filosofía de la física para estos asuntos.


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Does quantum mechanics clash with the equivalence principle—and does it matter?
E. Okon and C. Callender
Euro. Jnl. Phil. Sci. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011) pp. 133-145. PDF

Center of mass in special and general relativity and its role in an effective description of spacetime
C. Chryssomalakos, H. Hernandez-Coronado and E. Okon     
Proceedings of the DICE 2008 Conference “From Quantum Mechanics through Complexity to Spacetime,” September 2008, Castiglioncello, Italy. PDF

Quantum Geometric Phases in Deformable Extended Objects     
C. Chryssomalakos, H. Hernandez, and E. Okon
AIP Conf. Proc. 1079 (2008) pp. 76-81. Proceedings of the XXVII “Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics,” June 2008, Bialowieza, Poland. PDF

Wires with Quantum Memory
C. Chryssomalakos, D. Gelbwaser, H. Hernandez and E. Okon
Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 23, No. 36 (2008) pp. 3087-3094. PDF

Star product and invariant integration for Lie type noncommutative spacetimes
C. Chryssomalakos and E. Okon
J. High Energy Phys. JHEP08(2007)012. PDF

Towards a first-principles approach to spacetime noncommutativity
C. Chryssomalakos, H. Hernandez, E. Okon and P. Vázquez
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 68 (2007) 012003 (6pp). Proceedings of the NEB XII Conference “Recent Developments in Gravity,”  June 2006, Nafplion, Greece. PDF

Canonical noncommutativity in special and general relativity     
C. Chryssomalakos, H. Hernandez, E. Okon and P. Vázquez
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 67 (2007) 012057 (5pp). Proceedings of the DICE 2006 Conference “Quantum Mechanics Between Decoherence and Determinism,” September 2006, Piombino, Italy. PDF

Quantum Gravity Signals from Algebraic Stability Considerations
C. Chryssomalakos and E. Okon
European Space Agency Special Publication 637 (ESA SP-637), A.M. Cruise and L. Ouwehand (eds). Proceedings of the EPS-13 Conference “Beyond Einstein - Physics for the 21st Century.” PDF

Stable quantum relativistic kinematics
C. Chryssomalakos and E. Okon
Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics, Satellite Conference to the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics, Karlstad, Sweden, (2004). PDF

Generalized quantum relativistic kinematics: a stability point of View
C. Chryssomalakos and E. Okon
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D13 (2004) 2003-2034. (Feature article of IJMPD, February 2006). PDF

Linear Form of 3-scale Relativity Algebra and the Relevance of Stability
C. Chryssomalakos and E. Okon
Int. J. Mod. Phys. D13 (2004) 1817-1822. PDF

Chaotic scattering from hydrogen atoms in a circularly polarized laser field
E. Okon, W. Parker, W. Chism and L. E. Reichl
Physical Review A 66, 053406 (2002). PDF

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Seminarios de Posgrado

  • Filosofía del espacio, del tiempo y del espaciotiempo (Semestre 2012-1). Programa
    Mar 12 de 2025
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