Abierto a investigadores y estudiantes de filosofía y ciencia de la mente.
Responsable: Dra. Claudia Lorena García (IIFs -UNAM)
Sitio: https://sites.google.com/view/seminariocognitivas
Correo: seminario.cognitivas@gmail.com
Sesiones 2024
febrero 9: García, C.L., (2024), Why a substantive notion of levels of organization is Central in any adequate rendering of the functional aspects of both biology and cognitive science (borrador).
febrero 23: Aizawa, K., & Gillett, C. (2009).
Levels, individual variation, and massive multiple realization in neurobiology.
Presenta: Claudia Lorena García.
marzo 8: Polger, T. W., & Shapiro, L. A. (2016).
The multiple realization book. Oxford University Press. Capítulos 5 y 6.
Presenta: Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado.
marzo 22: Polger, T. W., & Shapiro, L. A. (2023).
The Puzzling Resilience of Multiple Realization. Minds and Machines, 1-25.
Presenta: Raúl Aram Salinas.
abril 5: Cao, R. (2022).
Multiple realizability and the spirit of functionalism. Synthese, 200(6), 506.
Presenta: Mariana Salcedo
abril 19: Piccinini, G., & Maley, C. J. (2014).
The metaphysics of mind and the multiple sources of multiple realizability. En New waves in philosophy of mind (pp. 125-152). London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Presenta: Victor Manuel Morales.
mayo 3: Woodward, J. (2022).
"Levels, kinds and multiple realizability: The importance of what does not matter". En Levels of reality in science and philosophy: Re-examining the multi-level structure of reality (pp. 261-292). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Presenta: Claudia Lorena García.
mayo 17: Kuechle, G., & Rios, D. (2022).
Multiple realization and evolutionary dynamics: A fitness-based account. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 100(1), 149-164.
Presenta: Alejandro Vázquez del Mercado.
mayo 31:
Eronen, M. I., & Ramsey, G. What are levels in levels of selection. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (en prensa).
Presenta: Yazmín Padilla.
junio 7: Boone, W. (2018). Multiple realization and robustness. Biological Robustness: Emerging Perspectives from within the Life Sciences, 75-94.
Presenta: Mariana Salcedo y Raúl Aram Salinas.