Saul Kripke (The Graduate Center, CUNY, and the Saul Kripke Center) “No Fool’s Red? Some Considerations on the Primary/Secondary Quality Distinction”
Comments by Mario Gómez-Torrente (UNAM). Chair: Pedro Stepanenko (UNAM).
13:45-15:15 hrs. Lunch
15:15-17:00 hrs.
Adriana Renero (The Graduate Center, CUNY) “Sounds and Auditory Experience”
Comments by Denis Bühler (UNAM). Chair: Olbeth Hansberg (UNAM).
17.00-17:15 hrs. Break
17:15-19:00 hrs.
Oliver Marshall (The Graduate Center, CUNY, and the Saul Kripke Center) “On Kripke’s Analysis of Natural Numbers”
Comments by Melisa Gutiérrez Vivanco (UNAM). Chair: Alessandro Torza (UNAM).
Tuesday, August 30th
12:00-13:45 hrs.
Maite Ezcurdia (UNAM) “Names and Controlled Ambiguity”
Comments by Ricardo Mena (UNAM). Chair: Salma Saab (UNAM).
13:45-15:15 hrs. Lunch
15:15-17:00 hrs.
Romina Padró (The Graduate Center, CUNY, and the Saul Kripke Center) “Carroll, Kripke, and the Wittgenstein Connection”
Comments by Miguel Ángel Fernández (UNAM). Chair: Luis Estrada (UNAM).
17.00-17:15 hrs. Break
17:15-19:00 hrs.
John Burgess (Princeton University) “Kripke on the Follies of Functionalism”
Comments by Saul Kripke (The Graduate Center, CUNY, and the Saul Kripke Center). Chair: Margarita Valdés (UNAM).
Organized with support from the CONACyT Research Project CB2011-166502
“Aspectos Filosóficos de la Modalidad”
Venue: Sala José Gaos, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas,
UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad de México 04510